Fixing The Mortgage Mess

An article on offered 4 possible solutions to the subprime crisis.

1. Change The Bankruptcy Laws
2. Fixed Price housing
3. Negative Amortization Certificates
4. Fed Buys Up Bad Debt From Banks

There's not a single solution to this situation, as there are so many things that contributed to the housing market ending up in this predicament. I'm still wondering if Congress is ever going to get any of the stalled mortgage bills moving. The pressure that this mess puts on small businesses seems to be greatly overlooked. According to the SBA 99.9% of businesses are small. Additionally, small businesses bear a disproportionate share of the regulatory burden $7647 per employee for companies with less than 20 employees 45% higher than large companies of 50o or more employees according to a 2005 SBA Reg Burden Study.

Alright, enough on my small business kick. Point here is that there's not one solution - that I know. Furthermore, congressional red-tape is costing people their homes & their jobs and it is putting undo pressures on the very businesses that sustain this economy.

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